These were the ancestors of all elves today, and are worshiped as Gods. Powerful beings, some say even greater than the Gods, but bound by the immutable boundaries of the first world, separated from the rest of Creation forever. The first and most powerful of these fed upon the pure energy of existence and chaos, and became The Daedric Princes. Incomplete (Unseelie), a gnawing hunger plagued them, for they desired to be Complete (Seelie). the elves, thought to have been the half-formed, rough draft for humans populated this world. Except it did not succumb to entropy… the raw power of Creation itself blew in chaotic storms across the face of the First World, coalescing into a dark, mirror realm of The Mundus. The reality in which Tibaeria exists, but it was flawed and twisted… and so it was discarded as a rough draft, doomed to atrophy until it collapsed upon itself as is the fate of all failed planes. When the planes were created and ordered in The Beginning, the first world was conceived, and then abandoned.