It was particularly heart-warming to see that even mods made for classic games (Deus Ex and Diablo 2) were able to make the top 10, and deservedly so as The Nameless Mod and Median XL are brilliant and have been in development for years." "After 133,000 votes, we have an assortment of mods spanning many games and genres. "For the first time since the awards launched in 2002, it is hard to argue or be upset with the top 10 mods picked by the players in 2009," the ModDB organizer said. ModDB is the one organizing the event, and even it agrees that the year has brought some pretty impressive mods to gamers. And, if anything, 2009 was a great year for game mods, as some very impressive ones have been put together. Games and their developers get their own award show, but the mod community's efforts are sometimes just as impressive, so it should only be fitting that mods themselves should get an award show as well.