I'm not even working a paying job right now, I'm just getting by on a diet of whatever is left and paying rent with savings. So much for that, so I'm cramming work in at the tail end of the year. I wanted to be done by May, and here we are a the start of October where I wanted to be in April. I don't even know where it went to be honest. You all remember why.Ģ017 is this year and we've kicked some serious ass. A LOT of audio.Ģ016 was editing that audio. There were 41 voice actors recording 21 hours of dialogue in 13,000 voiced lines. The dip and spike in Sep-Nov 2015 was me recording all our voice acting for Part 2. We worked til May 2013 and boom, release, a few patches, and we went back underground in 2014.Ģ015 we roared back to life and that is where our mod begins posting once a month here on ModDB like clockwork. So in 2012 when my life settled back down we started this mod in reality. I joined Man Vs Wild in November 2010, my girlfriend broke up with me, there was a mass shooting and all kinds of crazy conspiracy theorists fucking up my life, I was working on movies and photos - it was a mess. In Oct 2010 is our first little testing the waters moment, uploading some early art and level designs, but that was it. We've actually been in development since 2012. It feels like it was forever ago to me too, but it was not that long.

We actually did not start this mod in 2009. Nothing says sensational journalism like, charts! Scintellating!