"If my old masters could see me now!" -Wizard The Furnace in Kanai’s cube adds 40% damage to Elitesįull build details here: 8. Invoker set deals 15,000% of your Thorns damage to the first enemy hit by Punish This does not quite equal a true Elite killer until you factor in the perk from the Invoker set which if used properly can wipe out a Rift Guardian or Pack of Elites with relative ease. The Thorns Invoker Crusader punishes anything that attacks you immensely with the use of Boyarsky’s Chip. "The Crusade calls me so I go." -Crusader Corpse Lance deals and additional 3300% damageįull build details here: 9. Corpse consumption also buffs your next bone spear 3300% damage Pestilence causes Corpse Lance for every Corpse you consume. Once you have summoned skeletons, and began Corpse lancing, you will earn Bone Spear charges which are ideally used on tougher foes, such as elites. The Playstyle for this Necro build is bursty, to say the least. My top ten Diablo 3 Elite Killing builds are as follows: 10. I’m here today to save you the footwork and help you decide which Elite Killer Build you should be playing.

Have you ever been absolutely wrecking a dungeon when all of a sudden a pack of blue or yellow enemies not only stop you in your tracks but have your life flashing dangerously close to zero? I have been there before and it sucks until you fiddle around with your armor, weapons, skills, and the general way you approach the game.